About Me

Hi there! I'm James Love - a Fullstack Developer based in Greater London. My programming experience includes Java, C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and SQL.

I am an ambitious professional with experience working for UST as well an MSc in Computer Science from Bristol University and a Bootcamp. I am presently looking for a role, as a Software Developer where I will be able to further challenge and improve these skill sets.



Simple Text Adventure Game

Skills: Java, Maven & JUnit

Project Aims: To create a “Game Engine” (built using Java), that runs “Simple Text Adventure Games”. We have used XML and .dot files to store the game.

Database Server

Skills: Java, Maven & JUnit

Project Aim: To build a database server, using Java in order to process a more simplified version of SQL Commands.


Skills: HTML, CSS & JS

Project Aim: To code up a calculator. The calculator displays the use of JS and DOM to calculate values. I have also programmed in responsive design.

Fractional CRE

Skills: HTML, CSS, JS, Flask & Python

Project Aim: To create a dynamic website. Using Flask and Python (with forms), I allow users to interact with the database.


Skills: C

Project Aim: To produce a passer, interpreter and file generator for Turtle files(.ttl). I built the algorithm using C.